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Caso Número: 21
This woman was considering cosmetic surgery in Las Vegas with Dr. Arthur Cambeiro because although she was within a healthy weight range, stubborn fat around her belly and both the front and the back of her hips made her feel awkward and unattractive. At her consultation Dr. Cambeiro reviewed her health habits, medical history, and existing shape, and discussed the patient's motivations for surgery. Dr. Cambeiro recommended a Las Vegas liposuction procedure to smooth and tone the bulgy appearance, and help the patient's body more clearly reflect her healthy habits. In his liposuction procedures, Dr. Cambeiro utilizes technologically superior methods like Tumescent and Ultrasound-Assisted liposuction, which can effectively recontour the body while significantly minimizing the tissue damage and recovery times that made older methods such a hassle. In tumescent liposuction, Dr. Cambeiro injects a harmless anesthetic fluid solution into the body, which helps liquefy fat while minimizing blood loss during the procedure. This patient loved the results of her Las Vegas liposuction. Her procedure focused on the belly and hips only, but she was excited to find that very specific changes to these areas contributed to a smoother, firmer look for her body as a whole. She now feels much more confident about her look, even in swimsuits and intimate apparel.
Cirujano: Dr. Cambeiro |
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