SurgiSpa Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

Las Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Photo Gallery

Fotos de Antes y Después de Aumento de Senos

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Caso Número: 8


This is a 33 year old breast augmentation patient from Las Vegas, Nevada. The patient is a professional athlete who wanted fuller, more rounded breasts. Her goal was to go from an A cup to a C cup.

This woman chose an transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation procedure because she didn't want visible scarring. Unlike other breast augmentation methods that are performed through an incision in the inframammary crease or around the areola, the transaxillary approach uses a tiny incision located in the natural crease of the armpit. Through this incision, an endoscope and surgical tools are used to access the implant site. By using an endscope (a tiny surgical camera), I am able to place the implant more precisely and leave no scars on the breasts.

After our consultation at my plastic surgery practice in Las Vegas, the patient chose high profile smooth round implants filled with saline. In addition, she opted for submuscular placement of the implant, which offers a number of advantages such as decreased risk of visible folds or ripples in the implant envelope and more natural-looking breast shape. The implants were filled to 360cc, which took the patient from her original A cup size to the C cup she desired. As you can see from the before and after photos, the augmentation provided the patient with a much fuller, more feminine profile with no visible scarring. She was very pleased with the results of the procedure.

I specialize in performing breast enlargements for Las Vegas women. If you are considering breast augmentation, request a consultation at my plastic surgery practice - I would be happy to help you decide if breast augmentation is right for you.

Cirujano: Dr. Cambeiro
Edad del Paciente: 33
Género del Paciente: Femenino
Tamaño del Implante Izquierdo: 360 cc
Tamaño del Implante Derecho: 360 cc
Textura del Imnplante: Textura Suave
Ubicación del Implante: Submuscular
Contenido del Implante: Implantes Salinos
Forma del Implante: Redonda
Tipo de Incisión del Seno: Transaxillary
Tamaño de la copa antes: A
Tamaño de la copa después: C

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